This webcast took place on Thursday, February 6, 2020, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM Eastern.
This webcast will highlight insights and progress on the next big thing in utility sector performance enhancement. Learning from other sectors, a consortium of water resource utilities are collaborating to develop a utility sector approach, tools, and resources for documenting, analyzing, and improving business processes. The effort, known as the Utility Analysis and Improvement Methodology (UAIM), recognizes the value of collaboration at the sector level while preserving the ability to adapt methods locally. The project is sponsored by the Water Research Foundation and a growing group of partner utilities. The webcast will discuss vision for UAIM and include presentations on efforts by the participating utilities that include the application of the methodology to specific business areas. Speakers will present the results of collaborative efforts to develop business process models, and incorporation of leading practices and metrics, for topics including CIP Delivery, Developing Asset Management Plans, Business Case Evaluation, and Managing Enterprise Risk.
- Cello Vitasovic (9D Analytics)
- Scott Haskins (Jacobs)
- Getachew Melsew (DC Water)
- Craig Edlund (MCES)
- Mert Muftugil (Portland Water)
- Mark Poling (moderator; Clean Water Services)
There will be 1.5 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) offered for this webcast. Please check with your state accreditation agency to determine if you qualify. The PDH instructions will be sent to all attendees 24 hours after the webcast has ended.