Fundamentals of Produced Water Treatment in the Oil and Gas Industry

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This webcast took place on Thursday, April 25, 2019, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern. 

WEF's Industrial Wastewater Committee has partnered with the Produced Water Society for this introductory webcast on produced water. This webinar focuses on the basic background of oil production techniques with fracking, current US oil/fracking market as well as different issues relevant to produced water. The webcast further describes fundamentals of produced water treatment with different recycling and advanced treatment techniques of produced water.


  • Morris Hoagland, Produced Water Society
  • Jill Cooper, Geosyntec
  • Paul Sun, University of Houston
  • Hossain Azam (moderator), Manhattan College

There will be 2.0 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) offered for this webcast. Please check with your state accreditation agency to determine if you qualify. The PDH instructions will be sent to all attendees 24 hours after the webcast has ended.